25 September 2012 / Categories: Recent Results and Events, 2012 IC of Ireland match – Peter Jackson Trophy – 14th July 2012 We had another good match for the Peter Jackson Trophy against the Irish IC at Limpsfield LTC, Surrey on Saturday 14th July 2012. On Friday evening prior to the match both teams were royally entertained by Richard and Lise Stoakes at their home. On Saturday morning we started the match in slightly wet conditions with two ladies singles' and two men's doubles, which resulted in a 3-1 lead for the IC of GB at lunch. After lunch we played 3 doubles, all of which the IC of GB won, resulting in a 6-1 triumph for GB. The final score did not reflect the tightness and competitive nature of the sets and the matches. Our team consisted of myself, Andrew Ambrose, Mark Beim, Boyd Cuthbertson, Caroline Janes and Ann Eley. After the match Jane and myself hosted a party at our home for both teams and a number of tennis friends (from the IC of GB and the host Club at Limpsfield). We have provisionally pencilled in a date for 2013, on the weekend after Wimbledon finishes. This match will almost certainly be played in Dublin. Peter Hannon Print 4287