Archived News & Results



Match Result: IC of GB 12 - 1 Bradfield College
Date: Monday 9th May 2016
Venue: Bradfield College

The IC of GB men’s and ladies team's had a resounding victory over the students of Bradfield College on Monday 9th, a fixture in its 55th year having been started by Tony and Tim Billington’s father. Both were there to support the fixture. Despite a midweek fixture, the IC was able to field a full complement of IC members and were too strong bringing their experience in the art of doubles to the fore. Conditions were challenging but the IC also dealt with the rain better with Andrew Smith requiring windscreen wipers on his glasses for extended periods. The men's fixture was won by 13 set to 2. The corresponding ladies fixture utilised the assistance of some local stalwarts who guested for the IC against a weakened Bradfield girl’s team (due to exams) and were triumphant 8 sets to 0.

The teams were then treated to an excellent 3 course dinner in the Wardens Room at the College where the spirit of the IC was upheld with excellent camaraderie and the regaling of stories until 9pm when the IC team left to go home and the Captain of the Bradfield team retired to revise for his maths A level the following day!

Men’s Results

David Collins & Lewis Barnes
beat Penn Frank & Tom Wynne 6-1 6-0
beat Justin Hancock & Ben Finegold 6-0 6-0
beat Charlie Green & Louis Patrick – Smith 6-4

James Spooner & Jonathan Tassell
beat Penn Frank & Tom Wynne 6-1
beat Justin Hancock & Ben Finegold 6-0 6-1
beat Charlie Green & Louis Patrick – Smith 6-2 6-1

Andrew Smith & Andy Creighton
beat Penn Frank & Tom Wynne 5-7 6-7
beat Justin Hancock & Ben Finegold 6-0
beat Charlie Green & Louis Patrick – Smith 6-3 6-0

Ladies Results

Flo Kipling & Emma Barker
beat Alice Masquelier-Page & Annabelle Hindley 6-2 6-2
beat Imogen Lowe & Amber Miles 6-2 6-3

Catharine Deller & Claire Moor
beat Alice Masquelier-Page & Annabelle Hindley 6-2 6-1
beat Imogen Lowe & Amber Miles 6-1 6-4
