Archived News & Results

Autumn Meeting at The All England Club

Autumn Meeting at The All England Club

IC Autumn Meet – Saturday, 12th November 2011

A great afternoon’s tennis was enjoyed on the indoor courts at the AELTC.

Eleven pairs competed, in two groups, as follows:

Group 1

1.   Richard Wire/Steph Cornish

2.   Blake Hutchins/Cath Gunn

3.   Paddy May/Carina Dalton

4.   Mike Kalfayan/Helen Turnbull

5.   Johnny Barr/Sian Southwell-Sander

Group 2

1.   Craig Edmonson/Claire Hamilton

2.   Jim May/Abi Tordoff

3.   Gary Thompson/Laura Petersan

4.   Roger Draper/Ann Eley

5.   David Culshaw/Andrea Hermonsen

6.   Paul and Chris French

All pairs completed either 4 or 5 matches x 8 games during the afternoon, with the winners of Group 1 (Rich Wire and Steph Cornish) and the winners of Group 2 (Gary Thompson/Laura Petersan) contesting a final, whilst the remaining competitors enjoyed afternoon tea.

Rich and Steph won a keenly contested final 6-2.

An informal supper was held at the Dog and Fox in the Village afterwards.
