Archived News & Results

Edgbaston Prior Tennis Club Match

Edgbaston Prior Tennis Club Match

The IC  WON this annual mach by 8matches to 1.


There was some excellent tennis played in the new indoor centre at Edgbaston Priory Tennis CLub.


 The IC of GB put a stong team this year; represented by:


David Collins and Graeme Neale 1st pair

Gary Stewart and Ashley Broomhead 2nd Pair

Jeremy Trafford and Colin Ayling 3rd Pair


Edgbaston Priory team:

Tony King and Stuart Maidman

James Stewart and Brad Rowbottom

John Proctor and Jack Mcardle


A good time was had by all and thanks again to Andrew Smith assisting me in organising such a strong IC team.


Phil King
Match manager
