Archived News & Results

IC Autumn Meet – Saturday,14th November 2009

A great afternoons tennis was enjoyed on the indoor courts at the AELTC.
Eight pairs competed as follows:
1. Roger Draper/Anne Eley
2. Simon Curtis/Suzie Dart
3. Paul Riley/Corrina Dalton
4. Paddy May/Harriet Piercy
5. Blake Hutchins/Cath Gunn
6. James Pringle/Gill Brook
7. Andrew Ambrose/Kate Eliot
8. Paul and Christine French
The majority of pairs completed 6 matches x 8 games, so a lot of tennis was played!
Too tired to compete in a final round, we ended up with joint winners this year:
Andrew Ambrose/Kate Eliot and  Paddy May/Harriet Piercy both amassing 30 games a piece.
An informal supper at the Butcher and Grill in the Village was thoroughly enjoyed afterwards.