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IC of GB verses IC of Belgium

I am pleased to report on the above match played in Brussels over the weekend of 23-25 August 2013 at Tennis Club Justine Henin for the Jack van Den Eynde Trophy. The Challenge is played every 2 years to commemorate a Belgian IC member who in his Will bequeathed their Club a substantial sum of money.

Our team comprised mainly Super Seniors due to the fact that when the date for the fixture was agreed it was not appreciated that the Seniors National Grass Court Championships at The All England Club had been moved back a week in the calendar. Consequently all players with a chance of competing during the final few days of the Nationals became ineligible for the match against Belgium. The team was also, sadly, weakened by a late withdrawal.

Nevertheless a great weekend was enjoyed by all those who went to Brussels. The weather was hot and sunny on arrival and we enjoyed a superb supper on Friday evening outside on the terrace of the tennis Club. Our accommodation was in a Chateau within walking distance of the Club but we awoke on Saturday morning to heavy rain. This caused all matches on Saturday to be played on indoor clay courts and, as might be expected, our hosts took a commanding lead. In the evening we were treated to another outstanding Dinner at a different Chateau situated beside a lake.

The weather on Sunday improved dramatically and matches were played outside with the IC of GB reverting to their true form and winning 2 of the 3 matches played with the other being drawn. Unfortunately, this was not quite enough and our hosts retained the Trophy by 6 and half matches to 3 and a half matches.


The writer would like to thank the IC of Belgium for their warm welcome and exceptional hospitality as well as all those who represented and supported the IC of Great Britain especially our Captain, Peter Hannon and his wife Jane. They are clearly a formidable pair on the tennis court.

Mike Carroll


IC of Belgium – Jack Van den Eynde Trophy


24-25 August 2013 at Club Justine Henin, Brussels

Overall Match result

Belgium retained the Trophy by 6 1/2 matches to 3 1/2

Other Comments on the match

Some excellent tennis was played in traditional IC spirit, with good friends, excellent hospitality and in a lovely environment.

IC of GB Player

Opposition Players


Win / Loss

Saturday 24 August

Derek Howorth

Rudi Michaelson

3-6, 1-6


Peter Hannon

Alain Carlier

2-6, 0-6


Jane Hannon and

Ros Mallard

Christine Carruat and Sylviane Jacobs

1-6, 1-6


Di Hunter and

Brigitte Newbury

Micheline Vanderwiele and Brigitte Bocken

2-6, 6-7


Mark Barnett and

Mike Carroll

Michel de Marneffe and Rob Kuypers

3-6, 6-7


Di Hunter and

Ros Mallard

Lisette Sliepen and Brigitte Bocken

6-1, 7-5


Peter Hannon and

Jane Hannon

Pierre Mignot and Christine Carruat

5-7, 6-2, 8-10


Sunday 25 August

Mark Barnett and

Derek Howorth

Rudi Michaelson and Rob Kuypers

6-7, 6-2, 10-8


Peter Hannon and

Jane Hannon

Pierre Mignot and Sylviane Jacobs

6-2, 6-1


Di Hunter and

Ros Mallard

Christine Carruat and Micheline Vandewiele

2-6, 4-3

