19 October 2012 / Categories: Recent Results and Events, 2012 IC of GB vs IC of France on 6th / 7th October 2012 FRANCE WON 19-18 This year we had a fantastic weekend with some amazing tennis as well. It was a pleasure to organise with only a few late minute withdrawals to deal with sadly. This year we went down to the finally day yet again and even down to the very last match! On the final match Graham Neale and Steve Algar were playing in a doubles, when sadly Steve pulled a calf muscle and had to withdraw. Even though we lost by one match, the weekend overall was a tremendous success with a great atmosphere. The dinner on saturday went especially well with lovely food and highlighted with great speeches from Christophe and Tim Philips. We even ended up singing 'we are family' at the end of Christophe's speech! I would like to thank again the AELTC for allowing us to have the match at the club and host us so well and to my team for playing and being great fun to be with. Look forward to winning the cup back next year! Read the full results here View gallery of photographs here Print 4521