Archived News & Results



Storm the Castle...
Result: IC of GB crowned Champions
Event Date: Friday 5th – Sunday 7th September 2014

Four teams participated in the Carreta Trophy, hosted by the IC of Germany in Heidelberg from 5th-7th September: Great Britain, Germany, France and Belgium. The IC of Great Britain, represented by Lorraine Ristic, Pauline Fisher and Shirley Fox, were crowned Champions!

On the first day Great Britain lost 1-2 to France whilst Germany beat Belgium 2-1. Pauline had held a match point before losing her singles and the Great Britain team thought that this loss might be significant. However on the second day, Germany beat France 2-1 and Great Britain beat Belgium 3-0. This meant that Great Britain could still win the Trophy with a win over Germany on the final day.

A 2-1 result was achieved with Lorraine and Shirley winning a close deciding doubles in 2 sets and thereby gaining a narrow overall win for Great Britain on sets against.

Alex Kurucz, the organiser from the German IC, and members from the Heidelberger Tennis Club were wonderful hosts, ensuring that all the teams had a memorable weekend through tennis and friendship. Pauline Fisher and Julian Tatum were both made honorary members of the IC of Germany.

The highlight of the event was the invitation from Dr Wellensiek, the Honorary President of the Heidelberger Tennis Club, to view the fireworks display from the balcony of his beautiful apartment. These were to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the burning of Heidelberg castle.

Day 1 Results
IC of GB 1 – 2 IC of France
IC of Germany 2 – 1 IC of Belgium

Day 2 Results
IC of GB 3 – 0 IC of Belgium
IC of Germany 2 – 1 IC of France

Day 3 Results
IC of GB 2 – 1 IC of Germany
IC of France ? – ? IC of Belgium
