Archived News & Results

Reunion Columbs Trophy Team
/ Categories: 2012

Reunion Columbs Trophy Team

The team that was successful in winning the Columbus Trophy in Japan in 2009 has for the second time held a reunion, this time in and around Woking, Surrey. The first one was organised by Philip and Carole Siviter in 2011 with the whole team being their guests in Warwickshire and the second one was run by Annemarie and Henk Nijeboer. The programme included a pub lunch, an afternoon of archery (see photos), watching DVDs of the event in Japan and dinner at the home of the Nijeboers. The next day some of the team members and their wives played golf at the Woking Golf Club.

The Columbus Trophy has not been played since 2009 and the IC of GB with a team consisting at the time of Philip Siviter, Benson Greatrex, Mark Cox, Henk Nijeboer and Roger Ambrose are still the holders. Hopefully, another IC will soon take the initiative to organise a new Columbus Trophy event. 
