Archived News & Results

Robert Abdesselam Trophy held at the Villa Primrose Bordeaux

GB won the event.
The team was:
Anthea Stewart +50
Shirley Fox  +55
Mike Dawe   +55
Keith bland +60
The teams playing were France, GB, Spain and Belgium.   The format was mens and ladies doubles followed by mixed doubles, so 4 matches against each country. We beat France on the first day with some close games, then Belgium, and finally Spain with some very close matches!! We have been given a replica of the Trophy to keep, which i will bring to the AELTC for someone to put in a cabinet. 
The hotel was fine, we were wined and dined royally and taken to Domaine de Chavalier for a tour, tasting and dinner!! Just Fabulous!! 
The event next year will be in Belgium, with France, Spain and Germany as each year they invite a new country to compete.  Typical just when we played so well!!! 
A very enjoyable 4 days and my team were on top form off and on the court!!

Anthea Stewart (Captain)
