2019 ENTRIES CLOSING ON 31ST JAN As we start the New Year, we can look ahead to some of the IC events happening in 2019. As a quick reminder, there are a couple of event entries with deadlines at the end of the month, on the 31st January CQS IC JUNE IN PRAGUE Dates: Wednesday 12th - Sunday 16th June 2019 Location: Czech Lawn Tennis Club on Štvanice Island Entry deadline: 31st January 19 Contact: Jiri Medonos - jrmedonos@hotmail.cz IC WEEK, FRANCE Dates: Sunday 8th to Thursday 12th September 2019 Location: Le Touquet Tennis Club Entry deadline: 31st January 2019 Events: Windmill Trophy & Orsini Trophy, and Mercelis Trophy & Winnie Woolridge Cup Contact: Marine Piriou - piriou.marine@gmail.com For more information and entry forms, please visit: http://www.ictennis.net/Events/Upcoming-Events/ic-week-france COLUMBUS TROPHY Dates: Monday 24th - Thursday 27th June 2019 Location: Washington DC Entry Deadline: Interest by 30th January 2019 and entry deadline by 31st March 2019 Contact: Bruce Lipka - BruceLipka@gmail.com Previous Article The Tennis Ball Next Article New Merchandise Item!
IC Week 2019 France - Entry Forms IC Week 2019 France - Entry Forms The 2019 IC Week will take place on the 11th - 15th of September 2019
The Tennis Ball - Saturday 10 November 2018 The Tennis Ball - Saturday 10 November 2018 At the London Hilton, Park Lane
The CQS Jean Borotra IC Sportsmanship Award The CQS Jean Borotra IC Sportsmanship Award The award was won by Gabriela Sabatini