Entries open for IC Canada 55th Anniversary Celebratory Event, 1-4 September The IC Of Canada is hosting an event to celebrate its 55th anniversary from 1st - 4th September, in Toronto. If you are interested in participating, please contact one of the following prior to February 22nd. David Dimmer - iltc@sympatio.ca Hani Ayoub - hani.tennis@gmail.com For more information and the factsheet, please see the event page. Previous Article Renewing traditional ties.. IC Australia host IC NZ Next Article An IC Junior's sense of gratitude and perspective
2017 IC AGM 2017 IC AGM The 2017 AGM was held on the middle Sunday of The Wimbledon Championships at the National Tennis Centre
September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed
Overview of a successful Potter Cup Overview of a successful Potter Cup The 2017 Potter Cup saw the first edition of a Ladies event alongside the longstanding Men’s event, which celebrated its 45th edition. And what a successful long-weekend it was!
Enrique Morea Enrique Morea It is with great sadness to inform the IC community of the passing of Enrique Morea at the age of 92, a founding member and President of the IC of Argentina for 20 years.
New IC Brochure published New IC Brochure published The latest edition of the IC Brochure has been published.