IC Philanthropy Foundation update - July 2020 IC PHILANTHROPY FOUNDATION (ICP) – UPDATE JULY 2020 Many of the IC Philanthropy programmes are on hold for now, others are preparing to open. Some are communicating with their players online and post videos with challenges and activities for children to try at home to keep them active and engaged. We asked the ICP programme organisers to send in short updates that we would like to share with you - Click to download the PDF Previous Article IC Council e-Newsletter - May 2020 Next Article Virtual AGM and Executive Committee Meetings
IC lapel pins IC lapel pins The IC Council has produced a quantity of IC lapel pins for use by ICs everywhere.
Eugenio Saller Eugenio Saller Eugenio Saller, former Brazil IC President, and later Honorary President, passed away yesterday at the age of 88
La Carreta entries now open La Carreta entries now open 20th-24th September 2017, Sofia, IC of Bulgaria
What to look forward to in 2017 What to look forward to in 2017 After a successful year of fixtures and events in 2016, the IC Council and ICs of the World are now gearing up for another full year of fixtures for IC members across the board
Paul Hutchins is awarded an MBE Paul Hutchins is awarded an MBE The IC Council would like to extend their congratulations to Paul Hutchins, for receiving an MBE award for services to tennis.