90th Anniversary of the Czech Republic IC Fixture: CQS Prague 90th Anniversary Date: June 15-18th June 2023 Our team consisted of Anne Clark, Rosie Dennis,Judy Horn, and myself. Upon arrival we were unsure of the actual format of the event, but soon learned we would be playing two matches per day, consisting of one hour of timed play, with the total number of games won being counted. On the first day we played with our teammates, and on the second day, which was entitled "mix up", we played randomly with members of other countries' teams. Some matches were more competitive than others. Personally, i enjoyed playing with the players from elsewhere in order to meet new people. However, we did wonder how the competition was going to be scored. The wonderful official dinner was held at the Hartigovsky Palace in the centre of Prague. The food was delicious, the ceremony was well managed and allowed plenty of time for camaraderie between all. It was a great surprise to me when i was awarded an honorary membership to the Czech IC - what a privilege. The matches concluded on Friday afternoon, with just a little interruption from the rain. It was announced that due to the imbalance of players from each country, individual scores from the top four players from each country would be counted. With this in mind the results were as follows: "The team of ladies from GB ladies win" announced Jan, the organizer, we were wondering why we had not been called earlier! 1st GB 132 2nd SA (South America) 121 3rd USA 115 4th INT 111 5th HUN 105 6th CZE 74 On Saturday morning we were treated to either golf, or a three hour guided walking trip around Prague. Our team chose the tour which was informative and interesting. As the guide said the Czech Republic is in the Centre of Europe so it tends to become involved in everything that happens in Europe- this is a good and a bad thing! I think all of us would agree it was a great trip full of tennis,camaraderie, education, and great food! Thank you for the opportunity to organize and captain. I hope to return to this wonderful place again. Sue Bartlett (Captain) Previous Article IC of GB v Cambridge Next Article IC of GB v UKAFLTA
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