News & Results

IC of GB Fixtures & COVID-19

IC of GB Fixtures & COVID-19

Update from the Chairman

From: Benson Greatrex, IC of GB Chairman
To:      All IC of GB Members
Re:     IC of GB Fixtures & COVID-19


Dear IC Member,                               
I hope that this letter finds you well. After liaising with various parties outlined below, it is with much regret that the deteriorating situation with Covid-19 and the Government’s strategy for handling the crisis have led to your Committee having to make some difficult decisions regarding this year’s programme of events.
We have decided that we need to cancel all fixtures up to the end of June. This is the only realistic course of action bearing in mind the time, effort and commitment involved in organising fixtures both at home and abroad together with other complicating factors such as uncertainty regarding flights.  It is also possible that the current advice for vulnerable people to self isolate for 12 weeks may turn out to be the real ‘lockdown’ period.
The list of fixtures that are impacted by our decision is therefore as follows:-
AGM  -  postponed with a new provisional date of Tuesday 29th September.
Fitzwilliam match - cancelled/postponed
Golf Day - postponed but Moor Park will look for an Autumn date if available
Oxford and Cambridge Ladies – to be cancelled
Oxford Men – to be cancelled
IC of France in Paris - new date Saturday 19th/Sunday 20th September.
Potter Cup – 2020 competition cancelled by Potter Cup Committee
Cambridge Men – to be cancelled
IC of Denmark (away) – cancelled after liaising with IC of Denmark
IC of France pre Wimbledon – cancelled after liaising with IC of France
IC Ball – cancelled after discussions with the AELTC.
Wimbledon Ticket Ballot – on hold pending a decision regarding the Championships.
We will keep everything else under review and attempt to maintain a programme of fixtures after the end of June if we possibly can, subject to government and public health guidelines. Please refer to the IC of GB website for the up to date list of fixtures.
Best wishes to you all – stay safe and healthy.
Yours sincerely

IC of France IC of France

IC of France

Friday 25th - Monday 28th May 2018

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