News & Results

June Update

June Update


This Issue At A Glance...

Cathie Sabin OBE            Remembering the LTA's first female President
Committee update:          A message from Anne Clark, IC of GB Chair
2020 Fixtures & Events:    The latest on 2020 fixtures
Keeping In Touch:
           Ensuring your contact details are up to date


Remembering Cathie Sabin OBE

Cathie Sabin lost her fight against myeloma on 21st May 2020. Cathie was a special person who touched many lives with her natural ability to understand and to empathise, always acting as such an amazing ambassador for tennis.
One of the many tributes I’ve read says: “She was an absolute inspiration in so many ways and showed how to combine being a great leader with being a down to earth warm person’. This sums up Cathie so well. 
Cathie was a former PE teacher who became the first female president of the Lawn Tennis Association between 2013-2016. She was a passionate supporter of grassroots and County tennis as well as of performance tennis. 
Cathie became a member of the ITF Olympic Committee in 2015 and was awarded an OBE in the 2016 New Year Honours List for Services to Tennis.
Our condolences are sent to John, Cathie’s husband and all of her family and friends.

Anne Clark

IC of GB Chair, on behalf of the IC of GB Committee & Membership


Committee Update

From: Anne Clark, IC of GB Chair
To:      All IC of GB Members

Dear IC member,

Hoping that you are staying fit and healthy in these ‘unprecedented’ times. It’s such a good feeling to be allowed back on court either already or shortly.

May has seen a couple of ‘firsts’ for the IC of GB. On the 20th May the IC Committee meeting was held online using Zoom with over 20 Committee members joining in. The second first is that I had the honour of taking over as your Chair, the first time a lady has held this position. 

Many thanks go to Benson Greatrex who has very capably been our Chairman for the last three years. Other changes include Mike Carroll and Craig Edmondson retiring from the Committee. Mike over many years holding various sub committee positions and also reporting back on IC Council matters, which he will continue to do. Craig has brought us up to speed with our marketing and media. Alan Purnell had also intended to retire from the Committee as he has handed over the Honorary Treasurer’s position to Andrew Kennaugh. For continuity, Alan has kindly agreed to stay on the Committee until the AGM which is now planned for the 29th September. Our thanks go to Mike, Craig and Alan.

The Committee is closely monitoring the current situation and how things develop regarding tennis and once the challenges from coronavirus (COVID-19) are overcome we look forward to arranging matches and looking at opportunities to continue to promote and renew friendships on and off court. We will be keeping the website up to date so please do keep monitoring this.

I welcome any thoughts and ideas on what you would like as a Member of the IC as we develop through the 2020’s, which should be an exciting decade with our 100th anniversary in 2024 to look forward to.

Take care,

Anne Clark

IC of GB Chair

2020 Fixtures and Events

Participation in the matches goes to the heart of what the club is all about; “hands across the net, friendship across the ocean”.  If you are relatively new to the club please play in as many matches as you can and if you are a long standing member please re-commit yourself to a few matches in 2020. Don’t delay, if you have an interest in a match please approach the relevant match manager.

**In line with ITF guidelines introduced in response to the COVID pandemic, all fixtures up to the end of July have been cancelled. The remaining programme is listed below. Your committee will keep you updated**

1st August Public Schools Old Boys Men's - Stoke Park - Paul Siviter
14th-16th Wallenberg Trophy - Sweden - David Collins
22nd Yorkshire - Ilkley - Simon Ickringill

19th John Dunningham Trophy - NTC Roehampton - Naomi Cavaday
24th-28th Puente Romano (Men's) - Marbella - Johnny Barr
29th IC of GB AGM  - Hurlingham - Siobhan Nicholson

13th Bradfield College - Bradfield - Andrew Creighton
31st  IC Autumn Meeting - TBC - Vicky Brook



Keeping In Touch

Maintaining up to date contact details ensures that you get the most from your IC membership. We gently remind all members that the responsibility for ensuring your contact details are correct is yours and yours alone. Please log onto the IC of GB website by 30th June 2020 to either check your details are correct or amend them if they have changed.
Note: there are a large number of different websites across the I/C network.
To ensure you access the I/C of GB website, click here.

If you are aware of another member who has recently changed his or her address or telephone number, then please encourage them to update their details on the website database. 
Access to the website :  Your user name is now your email address.  If you have not logged on with your email address in recent months then on your first attempt you will be asked to set a new password.  If you have any problems then please contact Chris Clark on
Should you have any problems please either contact Kate Gowar, our Honorary Membership Secretary or Chris Clark.



Useful Contacts

Hon. Secretary: Chris Clark
Hon. Match Secretary: Philip Siviter
Hon.Membership Secretary: Kate Gowar
Communications: Amanda ElliottHugh Jaques

La Carreta La Carreta

La Carreta

20th - 24th September 2017 | Winners

IC Members' Day IC Members' Day

IC Members' Day

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled.

Wallenberg Trophy Wallenberg Trophy

Wallenberg Trophy

25th - 27th August 2017 | Unfortunately the IC of GB was not able to send a team to this event.


Archived News & Results

To view older news articles please visit the archived news page