News & Results

2023 Fixture List

2023 Fixture List

IC of GB Fixtures and Events - 2023!          We are very pleased to announce our exciting new fixture list for 2023!  Participation in the matches goes to the heart of what the IC Club is all about "hands across the net, friendship across the ocean"  We have some fabulous fixtures - please don't delay! If you have an interest in a match please contact the relevant match manager below as soon as possible. Please find the full list of fixtures which now include details of match grade & eligibility. The matches are open to everyone, new and established members alike - we hope you will take this wonderful opportunity to take part.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FEBRUARY February 25th -26th     Wallenberg Trophy - Amiens, France  Open - Mens and Ladies Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1  David Collins  MARCH March 16th     IC Philanthropy - An evening with Sue Barker  AELTC  Please see flyer here & corporate packages info here APRIL April 12th      IC of GB AGM - The Wimbledon Club / evening Siobhan Nicholson April 15th      IC of GB vs AELTC - Wimbledon Open - Mens and Ladies / Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1 Karen Hunter April 15th    Fitzwilliam Club - AELTC Community Ground Raynes Park Open - Mens - Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1 and 2 Paddy May MAY May 3rd      IC of GB Golf Day - Moor Park Mens and Ladies - Golf handicap required David Collins JUNE June 3rd      UKAFLTA - RAF Halton Open - Mens - Doubles / Grade 1 and 2 Peter Harding June 14th - 18th      CQS 2023 - Prague Czech Republic Mens and Ladies - any age - Mixed  Sue Bartlett June date TBC      IC of France - Racing Club Paris Open and Seniors - Mens and Ladies - Singles Doubles & Mixed Grade 1 and 2 Steph Cornish June date TBC      Oxbridge Ladies - Fenners, Cambridge Open Ladies - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 and 2  Philippa Coates June 17th      Cambridge University - Fenners, Cambridge Open Mens - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 and 2  Rob Blythe June 26th - 30th      Columbus Trophy - Belguim Mens Seniors - 55+ and 65 + - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1  Martin Cornish June 26th - 30th      La Carretta Cup  - Belguim Ladies Seniors - 50+ and 60+ - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1  Jo Shepherd June 28th      IC Midlands vs IC North - Edgbaston Priory Open and Seniors - Mens and Ladies - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 and 2 Andrew Smith June 29th - 30th      Ted Avory Cup - St Georges Hill Open and Seniors - Mens and Ladies - Singles Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1 Amanda Elliott JULY July 19th      Seniors LTC of GB - St Georges Hill  Seniors Men - 45 + and 60+ - Doubles / Grade 1 and 2 Boyd Cuthbertson July Date TBC      Public Schools Old Boys LTC - AELTC Raynes Park  Open - Mens - Doubles / Grade 1 and 2  Paul Siviter AUGUST August 26th TBC      IC GB vs Yorkshire - Ilkley Open Mens and Ladies - Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1 and 2  Simon Ickringill August 31st - September 3rd      Gottfried von Cramm Trophy - Germany Open Mens and Ladies - ages 28 - 44 - Singles &  Mixed / Grade 1 Oscar Podlewski SEPTEMBER September Date TBC    John Dunningham Trophy - National Tennis Centre LTA Juniors Open - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 and 2 Naomi Cavaday September 30th - 1st October      IC of France - AELTC Open and Seniors - Men and Ladies - Singles Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1 Steph Cornish OCTOBER October Date TBC     Henry Billington Trophy -  Bradfield College Open Men - Doubles / Grade 1 and 2 Andrew Creighton October 18th - 22nd      Potter Cup Men - Barcelona  Over 45 Men - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 Nick Adams October 18th - 22nd      Potter Cup Ladies - Barcelona  Over 40 Ladies - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 Leyla Ogan October Date TBC      IC Tennis and Golf - Rye Golf and Tennis Clubs  Open and Seniors - Singles, Doubles & Mixed / Grade 1 and 2 Freddie Menzies NOVEMBER November 4th - 10th    IC Rod Laver Junior Challenge World Finals La Jolla, California   Under 16 Juniors - Singles & Doubles / Grade 1 Katie O'Brien


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